
Board of Directors 

Highlights:  April 9, 2018

  • Chair's Report: Thank you for excellent colunteer attendance at the CGA conference as well as the Minneapolis Home and Garden Show.
  • Outreach and PR Review:
    • 2 videos produced by channel 9
    • Radio interview for National Safe Digging Month
    • Promotion with Papa Murphy's for an $8.11 pizza special
    • 811 tree tags at Home Depot and Lowes
  • COO Report:
    • 2018 ticket volume is down, likely due to weather through the first 3 months of the year, though higher ticket volume overall is still expected for the year.
    • Automated marking will not be adopted by GSOC yet. 
    • Update on the facility operator contact information collection.
    • Extended start time feature.
    • Pilot porjects with Centerpoint Energy and Minnesota Power.
    • Major awareness events this year at the State Fair, Big Iron, Farm Fest and media campaigns with KFAN and Star Tribune.
    • 216D update. 
  • MnOps Update: Expected to hold another 216D meeting specifically on the issue of contact info. Also plans for the locate rodeo. 
  • OCC Report: User interface redesign and extended start time features are in quality control testing. OCC is in the midst of several software and feature updates to improve user experience. And the center is prepping for busy season by adjusting staffing and schedules as necessary.
  • Finance Committee Update: GSOC had an accounting audit this year. Results are expected shortly. Financial performance was slightly higher than expected in 2017. 

Next Meeting: August 2018


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